10 Simple Ways Women Can Save A Fortune Every Single Month

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3. Put Yourself First

Put Yourself First
Put Yourself First

When the flight attendant tells you to put on your oxygen mask before helping others, there’s an important lesson to learn. You should always prioritize yourself, and in this case, it means prioritizing your savings.

It’s normal to feel worried and stressed when you receive your monthly bills. Instead of immediately paying them off, try setting aside a portion of your monthly salary and deposit it into your savings or emergency account.

Your bills can wait (but not for too long). It’s not necessary to pay them off right at the beginning of the month. Get into the habit of always allocating some money to your savings before taking care of your monthly expenses.

5. Always Spend Less Than What You’re Capable Of Spending

Always Spend Less Than What You’re Capable Of Spending
Always Spend Less Than What You’re Capable Of Spending

Living within your means is an important rule to follow, and it can make a big difference in your life. It’s natural to want to spend more when you receive a salary raise or be tempted to overspend.

You never know when unexpected emergencies might arise—unexpected injuries, veterinary bills, home repairs, and more. It’s better to be prepared to handle these expenses instead of going broke or borrowing money from others.

Always aim to spend less than what you earn, even if you have a lot of money in savings and feel like you don’t need to. It’s always better to be cautious and prepared. You’ll thank yourself later.

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