10 Famous Celebrities Who Live A Vegan Lifestyle

A myriad of renowned personages are typified as reveling in opulent existences and relishing exorbitant predilections, nevertheless certain distinguished identities have effectuated the conscious resolution to embrace veganism as an integral fragment of their vital determinations. The notable humorist and entertainer Ellen DeGeneres has prolifically championed this modus vivendi; indeed, she has even promulgated her own vegan lifestyle marque denominated ED by Ellen.

Compassionate choices lead Joaquin Phoenix to espouse veganism as an antidote for environmental inequity during his Academy Award oratory. Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, and Natalie Portman likewise spurn animal-based sustenance, bettering personal well-being and reducing greenhouse gases. Abstaining thusly impacts beastly beings benevolently.

1. Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix

The screen star well-known for most recently his portrayal of Arthur Fleck has long since embraced a diet bereft of any ingredient derived from our fellow animals.Advocating invectively against inflicting anguish upon our beastly brethren via assorted soapboxes, the thespian has oft trumpeted in prize claim orations a pivot to solely consuming that which once grew rooted in terra firma, thereby elevating cognizance for campaigns crusading to safeguard the welfare of creatures not human.

Phoenix’s veganism goes far beyond his diet; he advocates for cruelty-free products and wears vegan-friendly apparel on red carpets. His commitment has garnered him widespread acclaim and inspired many of his fans to adopt more ethical lifestyle practices.

2. Elliot Page

Elliot Page
Elliot Page

Elliot Page is one of the most celebrated celebrities who has adopted a vegan lifestyle. For years, he was an outspoken supporter of animal rights before making the leap in 2014. Since then, he has become a strong proponent for plant-based eating, inspiring many others to explore its many advantages. Elliot made the switch for both ethical and health reasons: as it believes veganism benefits not only animals, but also the environment and human wellbeing.

Elliot has made veganism part of his lifestyle by sharing vegan recipes on his social media accounts and teaming up with plant-based meal delivery services to make healthy eating more accessible for his followers. Elliot’s dedication has inspired many fans to try becoming vegans themselves.

3. Rooney Mara

Rooney Mara
Rooney Mara

The profoundly gifted histrionics Mara possesses are attributed to her characterizations in creations akin to “The Dame Accompanying the Serpentine Body Art” and “Carol.” Furthermore, Mara has attained prominence for her dedication to sustaining a herbivorous modus vivendi over a decennium – transforming into an outspoken proponent of beast rights as she eschewed any creaturely harvest in her victuals and insisted all raiment and accoutrements be fabricated utilizing supportable and principled materials.

Mara’s advocacy for animal rights through organizations akin to PETA demonstrates her staunch commitment to their welfare. Her steadfast adherence to veganism acts as a beacon of hope for numerous individuals, illuminating the prospect that pursuing a plant-based existence can still culminate in a meaningful and prosperous life.

4. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson
Pamela Anderson

The sempiternal Anderson has adopted a plant-based lifestyle regardless of her fame.For the past score years, the outspoken Anderson has abstained from consuming or using any product borne of an animal; she attributes this abstinence as the wellspring of her enduring pulchritude and vigor. Moreover, Anderson wields her notoriety as a cudgel to promulgate veganism and collaborates with entities like PETA to illuminate the dire straits of beasts at the hands of humankind.

Anderson has expressed that abstaining from the consumption of animal byproducts is not merely the most salubrious mode of existence; it is also one of the most considerate and sympathetic. Renowned for concocting delectable vegetal victuals for her kith and kin, evidencing that subsisting in this fashion does not necessarily equate to vapid and insipid.

5. Sia Furler

Sia Furler
Sia Furler

Pseudonymously dubbed the ‘vitreous chain-suspension illuminant,’ the songstress erstwhile as Sia Furler has captured journalistic attention as a foremost popular icon adopting an herbivorous regimen. The antipodean tunesmith famously responsible for auditory sensations approximating ‘vitreous chain-suspension illuminant’ and ‘tensile myocardium,’ has transmuted into a voluble proponent of rights appertaining quadrupeds and a diet bereft of flesh in colloquies.Initially impelled to abjure carnivory for motives salubrious, the minstrel subsequently cognized the ecologic aftermath germane to ingesting muscle and barbarities incident to industrial farming.

Awash in the glow of celebrity, the Australian songstress utilizes her soapbox to trumpet the interests of our furry and feathered friends, frequently pairing with groups championing the rights of critters. Her allegiance to a diet devoid of animal products presents an archetype for her devotees and adherents – exemplifying that vibrant, satisfying existences can thrive in tandem with cognizance of our selections impacting beasts and terra firma.

6. Fearne Cotton

 Fearne Cotton
Fearne Cotton

Fearne Cotton, an accomplished British TV and radio presenter, is also an ardent vegan. She has openly advocated for plant-based diets since 2016, even publishing a cookbook entitled “Happy Vegan”. Fearne credits veganism with helping her increase energy levels, overall health benefits, and reduced carbon emissions; in addition to advocating ethical treatment of animals through animal welfare organizations.

Fearne is also using her platform to advocate for veganism and inspire her followers to switch over to plant-based eating. Her dedication has become an inspiration to those contemplating becoming cruelty-free in their lifestyle choices.

7. Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton has become one of the most celebrated celebrities who embraces vegan living. Since 2017 – when he made public his decision – Lewis has been living a plant-based diet, citing concerns regarding animal welfare and environmental impact as motivations behind his lifestyle shift. Additionally, Hamilton has noticed significant health and fitness improvements after adopting such an eating style.

Hamilton is an ardent proponent of veganism and frequently utilizes his platform to raise awareness about its advantages. His decision to go vegan has inspired many of his fans and followers to consider making similar adjustments to their diets.

8. Thandiwe Newton

Thandiwe Newton
Thandiwe Newton

Thandiwe Newton, an award-winning British actress, has long been an advocate for veganism. She advocates for this lifestyle choice by following a plant-based diet free from animal products such as meat, dairy and eggs – something Newton credits with giving her clear skin and healthier body thanks to an increase in essential vitamins and antioxidants from veganism.

Thandiwe Newton has become involved with various animal rights campaigns, such as PETA’s “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur.” Her example exemplifies how adopting a vegan lifestyle can bring both personal health benefits as well as contributing to an ethical and sustainable way of living.

9. Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder is one of the most well-known celebrities living a vegan lifestyle, publicly declaring his decision as being driven by health considerations. A vegetarian since the 1970s and then transitioning to vegan in 2017, Stevie Wonder advocates strongly for animal rights as he believes adopting such an lifestyle can benefit not only him, but also planet Earth.

Stevie Wonder has long been known for advocating veganism and encouraging others to switch over to plant-based eating habits. Through his influence and reach, he has become an influential role model for those considering becoming vegans; his dedication to leading a compassionate life serves as an inspiration.

10. Russell Brand

Russell Brand is an iconic British comedian and actor known for embracing veganism as part of their lifestyle. A longstanding proponent for animal rights and environmental conservation, Brand has been vegan for more than 10 years and regularly speaks out on its benefits. Additionally, Brand has supported various animal welfare campaigns as well as organizations which promote veganism.

Russell Brand has taken advantage of his platform to raise awareness about animal agriculture’s effects on the environment, inspiring his fans to embrace a vegan lifestyle. By setting an example and becoming a celebrity role model, Russell has shown how adopting plant-based eating patterns not only benefits individuals’ health but can have positive results for our planet as a whole.


With an abundant choice of vocabulary and dynamism in syntax, a myriad of acclaimed personas have selected veganism attributable to a plethora of motives encompassing salubrity, beastly compassion as well as ecological viability. Illustrations of eminence incorporate Ellen DeGeneres, Joaquin Phoenix and Ariana Grande; Ellen has clung to veganism for upwards of a decade whilst Joaquin Phoenix exerts his dais as an animal entitlement firebrand to raise cognizance of immoral treatment of beasts within the flesh commerce.

The melodiously gifted vocalist Ariana Grande has abstained from consuming animal byproducts as nourishment since the year two thousand thirteen and has articulated with transparency the degree to which this transformative modification in diet has exerted a compelling sway over her own existence as well as galvanized other individuals to embrace a herbivorous manner of living. Public figures who choose to forgo exploitation of our animal kin not solely craft an emphatic proclamation in regards to their own character but can also ignite within others the desire to mimic their principled choices.

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