12 Fabulous Bubble Hotels And Structures From Around The World

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5 Million Star Hotel, Reykholt, Iceland

5 Million Star Hotel, Reykholt, Iceland

While the Burj Al Arab in Dubai claims to be a 7-star hotel, it pales in comparison to Iceland’s 5 Million Star Hotel located in the Golden Circle. If you’re planning a trip to Iceland, why not immerse yourself in the ice and land? This unique hotel offers an unforgettable experience with millions of stars overhead, allowing you to truly appreciate the beauty of Iceland’s natural wonders.

Amazon Spheres, Seattle, Washington

Amazon Spheres, Seattle, Washington

Seattle is known for its futuristic Space Needle and numerous Starbucks locations, but now it has another unique attraction: the Amazon Spheres. These spherical structures serve as a botanical garden, offering a one-of-a-kind experience. While you can’t stay inside the spheres, you can visit them and explore their lush greenery. Just make sure to dress appropriately to gain entry and enjoy the captivating atmosphere.

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